Every week, our devoted volunteers bring a beautiful shabbat package and a friendly visit to community members. From seniors, homebound, new mothers, families dealing with illness or someone new to the area.
These visits bring much joy and comfort in addition to giving volunteers an opportunity to befriend and build a relationship with community members.
What's provided?
Each package of food delivered consists of Matzah Ball Soup, freshly made challah, a dip, dessert and the Scroll.
The Program
The Chesed Connection is supported by a dedicated team of volunteers. Teens and adults are actively involved in preparing and delivering the packages.
Many volunteers bring their children along for the shabbat deliveries, teaching by example that even a small contribution of their time and effort can have a significant impact on members of their community.
How can I help?
You can help and impact others! Your time, Your Kind Donation and involvement makes a difference.